Objective: We aimed to evaluate the quality of anesthesia of combined sciatic and
femoral 3-in-1 nerve blocks (CSFB) and unilateral spinal anesthesia technique with
low-dose levobupivacaine in outpatients undergoing knee arthroscopy surgery.
Materials and Methods: Forty American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
physical status I-II patients were randomly allocated into two groups and unilateral
spinal anesthesia with low-dose levobupivacaine (group S, n=20) or CSFB (group B,
n=20) was performed. Besides the quality of anesthesia, anesthetic effectiveness,
hemodynamic values, duration of the technique application, maximum motor and
sensorial block levels and durations, the first analgesics need, and total analgesic
consumptions during postoperative 24 hours and determined complications were
compared between the two groups.
Results: The quality of anesthesia was better in group S, no patient received either
sedation or analgesic intraoperatively while first analgesic need and number of
patient was higher (p=0.014, p<0.001, p=0.032 respectively). The duration of
technical application was shorter while maximum motor and sensorial block levels
were higher in group S (p<0.0001, p=0.008, p<0.001 respectively). Motor block
duration was significantly longer in group B (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: We concluded that CSFB practice is an effective anesthetic alternative
for unilateral spinal anesthesia.
Amaç: Günübirlik diz artroskopisi cerrahisinde kombine siyatik ve femoral üçü
bir arada blok ile düşük doz levobupivakain ile yapılan tek taraflı spinal anestezi
tekniklerinin anestezi kalitesini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) I-II 40 hasta rastgele
iki gruba ayrıldı ve tek taraflı spinal anestezi (grup S, n=20) veya kombine siyatik ve
femoral üçü bir arada blok (grup B, n=20) uygulandı. Anestezi kalitesinin yanı sıra,
hemodinamik değerler, teknik uygulama süresi, maksimum motor ve duyusal blok
düzey ve süreleri, ilk analjezik gereksinimi ve postoperatif 24 saat süresince toplam
analjezik tüketimi, saptanan komplikasyonlar iki grup arasında karşılaştırıldı.