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DSpace is Live

Welcome to our digital repository of My University research!

More exciting news to appear here.

This is a default installation of DSpace!

It can be extensively configured by installing modified JSPs, and altering the site configuration.

Communities in DSpace

Choose a community to browse its collections.

Dergiler 852

Kitaplar ve Kitap Bölümleri 8

Üniversitemizde görev yapmakta olan akademik personellerimize ait açık erişim kitaplara bu alandan erişebilirsiniz.

Tez 3933

WOS (Web of Science) | Scopus | TR-Dizin | PubMed 0

WOS (Web of Science) | Scopus | TR-Dizin | PubMed veri tabanlarında indekslenen makaleler