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Title: Yüzey kültür fermentasyon yöntemi ile bazı asetik asit bakterilerinden ekstrasellular polisakkarit üretimi
Other Titles: Extracellular polysaccharide production from some acetic acid bacteria by means of surface culture fermentation method
Authors: Bıyık, H. Halil
Poyrazoğlu (Çoban), Esin
Keywords: Asetik asit
Acetic acid
Bakteriyal selüloz
durgun kültür
Bacterial cellulose
static culture
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2007
Publisher: Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi
Abstract: Bu çalısmada özellikle sarap ve sirkeden, ayrıca elma ve üzüm suyundan, selüloz üreten bakteriler izole edilmistir. Bu izolatlardan selüloz üretim verimi en yüksek olan iki izolat seçilmis ve bu izolatlar, klasik ve moleküler taksonomiye göre Acetobacter pasteurianus HBB6 ve Acetobacter lovaniensis HBB5 olarak tanılanmıstır. Bu strainlerin, karbon ve azot kaynakları, inkübasyon sıcaklıkları ve pH’ ları degistirilerek selüloz üretim verimleri optimize edilmistir. Mikrobiyoloji kültür koleksiyonu DSMZ (Almanya Mikroorganizmalar ve Hücre Kültürü Koleksiyonu)’den alınan Gluconacetobacter xylinus DSM 46604, Gluconacetobacter xylinus DSM 2004 ve Acetobacter aceti DSM 3508 strainleri ile Acetobacter pasteurianus HBB6 ve Acetobacter lovaniensis HBB5 strainlerinin, optimum sartlardaki selüloz üretim verimleri melas, peynir altı suyu, zeytin karasuyu ve corn steep liquor gibi ucuz atık maddeler kullanılarak incelenmis ve sonuçlar karsılastırılmıstır. Selüloz üretiminde en iyi karbon kaynagının glikoz, en iyi azot kaynagının ise yeast ekstrakt oldugu belirlenmistir. Ayrıca sıcaklık ve pH denemeleri sonucunda; en iyi sıcaklık derecesinin 300C, en iyi pH’ın da 6,5 oldugu saptanmıstır. Kullanılan atık maddeler içerisinde melas, peynir altı suyu ve corn steep liquor içerikli besiortamlarında hücre gelisimi ile birlikte selüloz üretimi gözlenmistir. Sadece zeytin karasuyunda hiçbir mikroorganizma gelisimi olmamıs ve buna baglı olarak da selüloz üretimi gerçeklesmemistir. Bu çalısmada, kullanılan tüm besiortamlarında, en yüksek selüloz üretim veriminin, Gluconacetobacter xylinus DSM 46604 straininde, en düsük selüloz üretim veriminin ise Acetobacter aceti DSM 3508 ve Acetobacter lovaniensis HBB5 strainlerinde oldugu belirlenmistir. Acetobacter pasteurianus HBB6 ve Acetobacter lovaniensis HBB5 strainlerinin morfolojik görüntüleri ile, optimum sartlarda elde edilen selülozun agsı yapısı SEM’de görüntülenmistir. Aynı zamanda, bakteriyal selülozun, enzimatik ve TFA ile asidik hidrolizinin TLC analizi sonucunda, monosakkarit içeriginin glukoz oldugu belirlenmistir. Ayrıca, bakteriyal selülozun NMR ve FT-IR spektrofotometre analizleri ile kimyasal yapısı incelenmistir. In the present study, cellulose producing bacteria were isolated mainly from wine and vinegar as well as apple juice and grape juice. Two strains having highest bacterial cellulose productivity were selected and these isolates were identified as Acetobacter pasteurianus HBB6 and Acetobacter lovaniensis HBB5 using classical and molecular taxonomy methods. In order to optimize the yield of cellulose production of these strains, carbon and nitrogen sources, incubation temperatures and pH conditions were adjusted. In addition, cellulose producing output of Gluconacetobacter xylinus DSM 46604, Gluconacetobacter xylinus DSM 2004 and Acetobacter aceti DSM 3508 strains, which were taken from German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, as well as Acetobacter pasteurianus HBB6 and Acetobacter lovaniensis HBB5 were examined by using some cheap waste substances like molasses, whey, olive oil black water and corn steep liquor and the results were compared. According to the results of this study, the best carbon and nitrogen sources are glucose and yeast extract, respectively. On the other hand, 30 0C and pH 6.5 was found optimal for the highest yield of cellulose production. Among the waste substances examined, cellulose production along with growth of microorganism was observed in the media containing molasses, whey and corn steep liquor. But, no microorganism growth was detected only in use of black water of olive oil, so cellulose production did not take place. In this work, the highest cellulose producing output were found in Gluconacetobacter xylinus DSM 46604 strain while Acetobacter aceti DSM 3508 and Acetobacter lovaniensis HBB5 were the lowest cellulose producers in the all media examined. Morphological view of Acetobacter pasteurianus HBB6 and Acetobacter lovaniensis HBB5 strains and the bundle structure of cellulose which produced at optimum conditions were monitored by scanning electron microscopy. At the same time, as a result of enzymatic hydrolyse and acidic hydrolyse by TFA and TLC analyze, glucose was found as the main content of bacterial cellulose monosaccharide. Besides, the chemical structure of bacterial cellulose was examined by NMR and FT-IR spectrophotometer.
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