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Title: İlköğretim okullarında 6. sınıf sosyal bilgiler dersi coğrafya konularının program yönünden incelenmesi
Other Titles: The investigation on the program of geography subjects in the sixth grade of the primary schools social studies course
Authors: Baysan, Sultan
Örs, Hakan
Keywords: Coğrafya
Eğitim ve Öğretim
Education and Training
Primary education
social studies
sixth grade
multipl intelligence theory
Sosyal Bilgiler
Çoklu zeka kuramı
6. sınıf
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2007
Abstract: Adnan Menderes Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitiisii ilkogretim Sosyal Bilgiler Ogretmenligi Ana Bilim Dahnda Yiiksek Lisans Tezi olarak hazlflanan bu yah~manln konusu "ilkogretim Okullannda 6. Slnlf Sosyal Bilgiler Dersi Cografya Konulannln Program Yoniinden incelenmesi"dir. 1998 Ylhnda uygulamaya konulan Sosyal Bilgiler programl, 2005 Ylhnda yaptlan degi~iklikle yerini yeni programa blrakml~t1r. Yeni program onemli ve koklii degi~iklikleri beraberinde getirmi~tir. Bu degi~ikliklerin belirlenmesi ve degerlendirilmesi amaclyla 6. slnlf Cografya konulan temel ahnarak eski ve yenl program tarama yontemi kullanllarak incelenmi~tir. <;ah~ma dort ana boliimden olu~maktadlf. I. Boliimde, ara~tlrmanln amaCI, onemi, slnlrhhklarl ve yontemi verilerek, egitim programl ile ilgili kavramlar tanlmlanml~ ve egitim programlnln temel ogeleri aYlklanml~tlr. II. Boliimde, ilkogretim programlanndaki Sosyal Bilgiler ve Cografya ogretiminin tarihsel geli~imi sunulmu~tur. III. Boliimde, eski (1998) ve yeni (2005) program amaylar, iyerik, ogrenme-ogretme silleci ve degerlendirme aylslndan incelenip, kar~lla~tlnlml~t1r. IV. Boliimde, yeni programdaki bir Cografya konusu seyilerek <;oklu Zeka Kuraml'na gore model onerisi hazlflanml~tlf. V. Boliimde, yah~mada elde edilen bulgular l~lglnda ortaya ylkan sonuylar aylklanml~, programln uygulanmaslna yonelik olarak ve yapI1acak yeni ara~tlrmalar iyin oneriler sunulmu~tur. The subject matter of this masters thesis prepared In Adnan Menderes Social Sciences Institute Primary School Social Studies Teaching is "the investigation on the program of geography subjects in the sixth grade of the primary schools Social Studies course." Social Studies Program which was initiated in 1998 was replaced with a brand new program in 2005. This new program has brought significant changes. In order to determine and evaluate these changes sixth grade geography subjects both old and new ones were examined through scanning method. This study has four main chapters. In chapter I, the main components of the education program were explained through describing the concepts concerning the education program. In chapter II, the historical background of the Social Studies and Geography education in primary schools curricula are presented. In chapter III, the old (1998) and the new (2005) programs are analyzed and compared. In chapter IV, a Geography subject from the new program is selected and a model proposal is prepared according to the Multiple Intelligence Theory. In the conclusion and suggestions chapter, the results achieved by means of the data are revealed and suggestions are presented for the implementation of the program and for future studies.
Appears in Collections:Yüksek Lisans

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